Sunday, February 26, 2012

Through My Daughter's Eyes

As my new daughter sits next to me in her swing... I am reminded just how much God loves us.  When I think about the journey that Tom and I have gone through to get where we are today, I am overwhelmed with awe!  I never dreamed that you could continue to love so much and so hard that it breaks ones heart to see tears, and hear pain.  If we fallible human beings can love so hard that is tranforms our very nature...what is God's love like then? 

The adventure of parenthood is far more amazing then I could ever dream!  I always knew I wanted to be a parent...except for one semester in college where I was trying to sound tough and told my BFF that I didn't want to have kids some day!  Thankfully I grew up and realized what truly is important in this life, and that is our families.  I have traveled around the globe, seen beautiful places, met amazing people, had some fun careers, but nothing has been more rewarding and life giving then being a parent!

My neighbor across the street said to me the other day, "We are called to go and make disciples.  I have four of them and you have one, let's get to work."  Lord give us wisdom in these dark days to raise children who are strong, confident, compassionate believers who seek after Jesus and his kingdom purpose.  May their entire being be transformed by your love and grace! 

I think raising kids today is harder then it has ever been before.  We have so much against us.  And I know that it is tempting to shut out the world and run and hide.  But somehow my prayer for Tom's and my parenting style is that we seek to engage our daughter and hopefully children in healthy dialogue that gives them perspective on the "photographic negative" that we live in. 

As I watch Adelaide sleep it is so tempting to fear what she will face in her lifetime.  My prayer today as God has been teaching me again and again is to seek his his his face and all else will be taken care of, fear not!! 

The other day I was doing a word search in the Bible when Tom was dealing with some tough stuff at work.  I looked up every verse about waiting.  And what I found was a great the face of trials all we should do and have to do is look into our Savior's face.  He is waiting to remind us that this too will pass and we can trust him. 

So as you face your week...remember with me to look to Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith and feel his eyes upon you as you look to him for peace, comfort and answered prayer.

God goes before Tom and me as we embark upon this adventure of parenting.... and he is with you in your adventures too!
Thanks and praise be to God!


1 comment:

  1. Haha - I never believed you when you said that you didn't want kids =). Love watching what a great mom you have become. Your family is lucky to have you!!!
